Monday, March 8, 2010

History of TNT origin

2008 Anniversary video of TNT history:

I find it helps to have a goal bigger than yourself!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stretch break on Terwilliger during 8-mile training

Sometimes the muscles and joints INSIST that we take a break to do some stretching!
We had another BEAUTIFUL day today for Team-in-Training group walks and runs.  My group did our 8-mile walk, starting @ PSU, going north & eventually to the waterfront and then up Terwilliger to the view site a couple miles up the hill & return to PSU.  We couldn't have asked for a more gorgeous day - it's supposed to rain tomorrow, so we really lucked out!!  Lots of smiles and a potluck afterwards for the entire group to get together & share our experiences.  Great day!